Some 300 sheep were herded through Kirchberg on Friday morning Fonds Kirchberg

Some 300 sheep were herded through Kirchberg on Friday morning Fonds Kirchberg

The herd was driven from Kuebebierg towards Bricherhof. On Friday afternoon, they will be continue through the Grünewald residential district to Klosegrënnchen Park where they will graze until 8 May.

The roving pasture project is a form of extensive management of lean lawns. The sheep are brought to Kirchberg twice a year, by a professional shepherd to keep grass short while conserving the biodiversity of green areas.

“The dispersion of  seeds from one site to another by the travelling herd is a real asset for biodiversity,” the Fonds de Kirchberg said in a press statement.

Klosegrënnchen Park is a conservation area for rare native plant species. Its dunes extend from the south west to north east. It was developed in 1997 with the sandy excavations resulting from the construction of the bypass east of the City.

The herd itself consists of sheep belonging to two endangered breeds: The Moorschnucke and the Rhönschaf.