From left: Arsène Jacoby of the Luxembourg Export Credit Agency; Pierre Gramegna, DP finance minister; Gerrit Spaas, of Luxprototyping; Maurice Leonard of Wood Optic Diffusion; Crown Prince Guillaume; Raphaël Vogrig and Jean-Philippe Hildebrand of Luxscan Technologies; Etienne Schneider, LSAP economy minister; and Michel Wurth of the Chamber of Commerce. They are pictured during the 2018 Export Awards ceremony, in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, 13 June 2018. Photo credit: Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce 

21 companies were in the running this year, according to a 13 June press release. The awardees were:

The bi-annual award was started in 2011--by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and Luxembourg Export Credit Agency (Office du Ducroire)--to shine a spotlight on Luxembourg SMEs who are marking up international sales.