Stéphane Compain Mike Zenari

Stéphane Compain Mike Zenari

Most of his work is inbound, meaning he helps HR reps or individuals set up in Luxembourg. But he also assists with outbound relocation, sometimes repatriation. “People sometimes return to their hometown and think they will go back to their previous lives, but they may end up depressed when they realise they no longer have much in common with their old friends.”

The best relocation providers provide full services from obtaining immigration and work permits to school and home searches, and settling in. There’s also a rising need for spousal assistance, with skills transfer or CV development in the local job market. “For successful relocation, you need to assist the spouse to fit into Luxembourg’s job market.”

Compain recommends beginning school searches as early as possible and managing financial expectations before arrival. He also notes that the most difficult relocations tend to involve people who relocate to a country where the same language is spoken--an American to the UK, or a French national to Luxembourg--because “they think because of the language, it will be the same, so they might not be as open-minded as they would be in a completely ‘foreign’ country.”