Only 11.3% visited their general practitioner zero times (compared to 23.5% across the EU28), while 45% went “from 1 to 2 times” (compared to 37.6%) in 2017.

Nearly a third of Luxembourg residents went to their GP “from 3 to 5 times” (in contrast to 24.6% across the EU28) and less than 5.7% went “10 times or more” that year (versus 6.4%).

The figures were released by Eurostat on 25 January 2019.

According to the EU statistics bureau:

“Denmark had the largest share of persons who saw their generalist practitioner 6 times or more (49%) during the previous 12 months, while France had the highest percentage of people (34%) going to the doctor 3 to 5 times. The share of persons consulting their doctor once or twice was largest in Slovakia (47%) and the share of persons who did not go to see the doctor was highest in Greece (61%).”

Image credit: Eurostat

Eurostat also reported that 19.4% of Luxembourg residents “never” consulted a dentist (the figure was 45.1% for the EU28) while nearly two-thirds went “from 1 to 2 times” (versus four in ten across the bloc) in 2017.

Slovenia and Germany had high rates of dentist visits, while Romania had the lowest (81.7% “never” went).

Image credit: Eurostat

While 28.1% of Luxembourg residents never consulted a general surgeon in 2017, Eurostat reported, 40.7% did see a general surgeon “from 1 to 2 times” and 31.2% went 3 or more times that year.

Germany and Italy had high rates of general surgeon appointments, while Romania had a low share.

Image credit: Eurostat

Eurostat observed:

“At EU level, the frequency of consultations of general medical practitioners was higher for women than for men. This was also the case for visits to dentists or general surgeons.”