With 348 hours of sunshine recorded, Luxembourg broke all records for the month of July Pexels

With 348 hours of sunshine recorded, Luxembourg broke all records for the month of July Pexels

With 348 hours of sunshine recorded, Luxembourg broke all records for the month of July, squashing the previous record set in July 2006 of 345.5 hours.

Sunshine hours for June and August were also above the historic average, but not enough to set any further records. Luxembourg experienced some temperature extremes with the mercury hitting its highest point of the summer on 7 August with 35.1°C and its lowest on 22 June with 6.4°C.

Altogether the heatwave placed the summer of 2018 as the second-hottest on record, after the scorcher of 2003. It was the second-hottest July while June and August ranked fourth for hot months. To recap, the mercury rose to over 25°C for a total 55 days and over 30°C for 13 days. There was just one day when it rose over 35°C.

While all this sunshine was great for staycationers, there was a distinct lack of rain, with July standing out as the fifth driest since records began. Just 38 days of rain were recorded, much of that coming in quick succession in the storms at the beginning of June, which wreaked havoc in the Mullerthal region, sweeping away infrastructure. The heat which followed impacted Luxembourg farmers, with some maize crops drying out.