Javier Juncadella (Nektria) and Axel Schmiegelow (iTravel) Maison Moderne

Javier Juncadella (Nektria) and Axel Schmiegelow (iTravel) Maison Moderne

  • iTravel and Nektria will be the first companies supported by Luxembourg’s Digital Tech Fund, receiving €500,000 each. iTravel enables travellers to book holidays online, based on the kind of experience they want, in 64 destinations.  Nektria Luxembourg offers a logistics and delivery solution model. The Digital Tech Fund is a seed fund launched by the government in 2016 to fund ICT startups.
  • Despite growing as a tourist destination, Luxembourg remains the least visited area by tourists in Europe. With 3 million overnight stays recorded in 2015, the grand duchy is at the bottom of the ranking of most visited European regions, behind even Latvia (4.1 m), Zahodna in Slovenia (6.2m) and Lithuania (6.6m).
  • British banks and insurance firms with a presence in Luxembourg plan to increase their presence on Luxembourg soil. Sources suggest that finance minister Pierre Gramegna will meet top management of certain companies in London on Thursday to discuss expanding their activities in Luxembourg post-Brexit.
  • In an interview, new head of the chambre des métiers and head of bakery chain Tom Oberweis says he hopes to increase the number of training courses and to make them more “transparent, coherent and efficient”.