On 28 November, 10 experts between 15 and 27 years old discussed the challenges and visions of Generation Z.

The most connected generation--the zoomers--are following in the footsteps of the millennials and are gradually entering the job market. At this 10x6 event, opened by  (DP), minister for national education, children and youth, 10 people from Generation Z spoke about their experiences, their desires, the way they consume and the way they see the future.

The participants included:  (24, Brunswick Group Paris),  (18), Valentine Danloy (26, ONE group solutions),  (15),  (27, GoldenMe),  (25, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg),  (25, Ultraschall Collective & Skandal Agency),  (15, TheFaunaClub),  (21, FrëschKëscht & WeConnect), Alexandre Roderich (25, Goosty).

The Paperjam+Delano Business Club would like to thank its partners,  and Rockhal, for their support during this event.