Riccardo Lamanna. Photo: Matic Zorman

Riccardo Lamanna. Photo: Matic Zorman

Delano’s Autumn 2023 magazine featured 100 financial industry heavyweights. Here are the sixth set of 10 profiles. Executives are listed in alphabetical order, by family name.

Riccardo Lamanna

Since 2021, has been senior vice president and member of the executive management board of State Street Bank International and branch manager and country head for State Street’s Luxembourg Branch. Lamanna previously was the head of global exchange EMEA and head of global service Italy. Before State Street, he worked at J.P. Morgan in Milan and London, at BNP Paribas in Paris, as head of operations at Banca IMI and as head of transaction services at Intesa Sanpaolo. He studied business administration at the Università Cattolica in Milan. In his free time, he enjoys road cycling.

Corinne Lamesch

Corinne Lamesch. Photo: Jan Hanrion

Corinne Lamesch. Photo: Jan Hanrion

is the Luxembourg country head of Fidelity International and has over 20 years of experience in the Luxembourg fund industry. She chaired the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry from 2019 to 2023 and remains a member of its board of ­directors. Lamesch previously worked as a fund lawyer for Clifford Chance and Allen & Overy, and holds degrees from Strasbourg and New York ­universities. She is a member of the bar in both Luxembourg and New York. She enjoys skiing, golfing, cycling and visiting contemporary art museums.

Lena Lascari

Lena Lescari. Photo: Matic Zorman

Lena Lescari. Photo: Matic Zorman

CEO and managing director for EFG Bank (Luxembourg) since January 2019, has been member of the executive committee of EFG in the grand duchy since 2014 and is in charge of the development of private banking for ultra-high-net-worth clients. She previously served as country CEO for the Greek subsidiaries of Crédit Commercial de France, head of wealth management for HSBC in Athens, and executive director and managing director at Eurobank Private Bank (Luxembourg), where she was notably responsible for the ­development and expansion of the private banking business.

Marc Lauer

Marc Lauer. Photo: Guy Wolff

Marc Lauer. Photo: Guy Wolff

He began his career in 1989 at the Supervisory Authority for the Insurance Sector (CAA), where he quickly ascended to its executive committee. In 2004, transitioned to the Foyer Group, serving as COO for a decade before being appointed CEO. He’s a board member of the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (Profil), Luxembourg Insurance and Reinsurance Association (Aca), Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Luxembourg employers association UEL. Lauer’s a graduate of the Free University of Brussels and executive programmes at Stanford and London Business School.

Loïc Le Foll

Loïc Le Foll. Photo: La Mondiale Europartner

Loïc Le Foll. Photo: La Mondiale Europartner

With a career spanning insurance and wealth management, has been CEO of La Mondiale Europartner, the Luxembourg subsidiary of the French group AG2R La Mondiale, since 2018. He previously was executive director, deputy CEO and head private clients Luxembourg for Swiss Life Global Solutions, and head of private wealth solutions at Lombard International Assurance. He’s an alumnus of London Business School, where he earned his MBA, and Euria, where he qualified as an actuary. Outside of the office, Le Foll ­enjoys sport and “food and good wine with friends.”

Aude Lemogne

Aude Lemogne. Photo: Maison Moderne archives

Aude Lemogne. Photo: Maison Moderne archives

On the eve of the millennium--or at least the year leading up to it-- was in New York working as a proprietary trader for Crédit Lyonnais. Next came London, where the Luxembourger set up the European risk arbitrage desk for Millennium Partners before taking up a post with ICAP. In 2009, back in the grand duchy, she founded art wealth management firm Link Management, which notably launched an art-backed securitisation fund in 2017 together with banking group Reyl & Cie. Lemogne currently sits on the boards of Axa Wealth Europe, Ruffer Sicav and Private Equity International.

Marcel Leyers

Marcel Leyers. Photo: Simon Verjus

Marcel Leyers. Photo: Simon Verjus

The CEO of Banque Interna­tionale à Luxembourg since May 2019, currently presides over the banking group’s management committee. He joined Bil’s board of ­directors in 2019 and reportedly is in line to take on the chairman’s role in the next few years. Having been with the bank since 1983, he has held ­numerous management roles. This includes head of corporate and institutional banking ­business, head of corporate banking, and head of small and medium businesses & public institutions. Leyers has a management diploma from the University of Luxembourg. He enjoys hunting.

Maria Löwenbrück

Maria Löwenbrück. Photo: Matic Zorman

Maria Löwenbrück. Photo: Matic Zorman

She’s worked in the grand ­duchy’s financial sector for more than 25 years. is a member of the executive board at Union Investment Luxembourg (part of Germany’s second-largest banking group). She’s former vice chair and currently a board member at the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry and chairs its Frankfurt roadshow working group. Löwenbrück is also a Luxflag board member, and a member of the board and management of several investment vehicles in private equity, infrastructure, real estate, renewable energy and agroforestry.

Claus Mansfeldt

Claus Mansfeldt. Photo: Romain Gamba

Claus Mansfeldt. Photo: Romain Gamba

Chair of Swancap Investment Management, a private equity shop, and the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA). Charming, eloquent and ­dapper, is an excellent spokesman and advocate for the private market fund sector, which is an increasingly important part of Luxembourg’s financial spectrum. Of his LPEA role, Mansfeldt says that he is “helping to position the PE industry for growth and inclusion of more participants” in Luxembourg and internationally. He previously held posts at Unicredit, Commerzbank and Nomura.

Nadia Manzari

Nadia Manzari. Photo: Maison Moderne archives

Nadia Manzari. Photo: Maison Moderne archives

People often exaggerate on their Linkedin profile, but in ’s case she’s understating things: “I contributed and assisted to the development of the payment and fintech ecosystem in Luxembourg.” If anyone has helped moved adoption of blockchain technology and crypto-­assets forward in the grand duchy, it’s Manzari. She founded her own firm, Manzari Legal, in June 2023, after five years as a partner at Schiltz & Schiltz. Previously, she spent 17 years at Luxembourg’s financial regulator (CSSF), latterly as the head of the department in charge of fintech.