On average, 764 per organisation per week. This is the number of cyber attacks recorded by Check Point Software Technologies in the Luxembourg financial and banking sector, the most targeted sector in the country. Luxembourg saw the second highest increase in the number of cyber attacks per organisation per week in the second quarter, compared with the second quarter of 2023.
Indeed, the firm found that Luxembourg organisations suffered an average of 1,173 cyber attacks per week, an increase of 102%. Luxembourg companies are most often attacked from the United States (29% of attacks) and Singapore (12%). But 23% of cyber attacks originated in Luxembourg itself.
According to the firm, information disclosure is the most common type of vulnerability in Luxembourg, accounting for 63% of all vulnerabilities in the country. In practical terms, this means that a user or hacker can access sensitive data or information that is supposed to be protected. Of all malicious files, 50% are sent via the web and 50% by email. “The main malware in Luxembourg is FakeUpdates, a downloader written in JavaScript,” the firm found.
More generally, Check Point Software Technologies points to an “intriguing change in the cyberattack landscape in the second quarter of 2024.” Globally, cyber attacks increased by 30%. Angola was the country most affected, followed by Luxembourg. In our neighbours, cyber attacks are also on the rise (+31% for Belgium, +30% for Germany and +19% for France). “The growing number of attacks in Belgium not only confirms the need to implement the renewed legislative framework, but is also a call to organisations in all sectors to take a critical look at their cybersecurity solutions and prioritise cybersecurity,” says Check Point's expert security engineer Lieven Van Rentergem.
This article in French.