While Luxembourg in 2020, with , fared marginally better than the European average (21.9%), the risk of poverty and exclusion climbs to 24.2% both for the country and Europe when it comes to children under 18.
The found that women in Luxembourg were more exposed to the risk of poverty (20.7%) than men (19.1%). Luxembourg children under the age of 18 were over three times more likely to experience poverty (24.2%) than people over the age of 65 (7.4%).
Other factors of risk were work intensity, the level of education, the type of household, the migrant background and the living conditions. Across the EU, children from low work intensity households or whose parents had low education were by far more likely to risk becoming materially and socially deprived. Coming from a single parent household also put 14.1% of children at risk. Children with at least one migrant parent were 32.9% more likely to experience exclusion than children with a native parent (15.3%).
Though Luxembourg matched the European average with 24.2%, it ranked 6th from the bottom up. Only Germany (25.1%), Greece (35.1%), Spain (31.8%), Bulgaria (36.2%) and Romania (41.5%) placed worse than Luxembourg. The lowest risk rates of 2020 were found in Slovenia (12.1%), Czechia (12.9%) and Denmark (13.5%).
The findings mean that in Luxembourg, one in four children will not have access to new clothes, two pairs of properly fitting shoes, an internet connection, or having regular leisure activities, amongst other criteria of severe material and social deprivation criteria listed by Eurostat.