Delano: What does do?
Arthur Carvas: We represent the private education and care association in Luxembourg, which includes private daycare centres. One of our missions is to work on the pedagogies of these facilities.
What is a common hurdle for recent arrivals to Luxembourg?
Registering with the various authorities takes time, and the number of childcare slots is limited in some municipalities. We would thus advise parents with children up to 12, and who are planning to move to the grand duchy, to make arrangements in advance, since paperwork needs filing, and deadlines (particularly for school registration) must be respected. In our experience, newcomers often struggle to find places quickly due to missing documents from their country of origin.
How has childcare in Luxembourg changed?
It has grown strongly over the last decade, with the number of slots constantly increasing (even if in some communes it isn’t enough). In terms of quality, private daycare centres are reinventing themselves by offering different pedagogies to help children develop. It isn’t simply about care; it’s a complement to education.