The report looked at the gender split of ICT specialists in Europe as well as the growth of the profession. It found that 4.5% of the EU’s workforce, or some nine million people, worked as ICT specialists in 2021.
Per country, the highest shares were in Sweden (8%) and Finland (7.4%).
The report also found that the EU’s number of ICT specialists has, since 2012, grown at a rate nearly eight times higher than the total employment number (50.5% versus 6.3%).
Gender gap
Women remain significantly underrepresent in the field: Bulgaria had the highest share of women in the field, where 28.2% of ICT specialists are female.
Luxembourg came in the middle of pack, with a rate of 19.7%. This is nevertheless close to double the rate in 2012, which was 10.4%.
In the same timespan, the EU-wide percentage has risen from 17% to 19.1%.