André Hesse (Markcom Luxembourg) and Mike Koedinger (Maison Moderne) are at the helm of the new award, launched on 6 November. Photo: Marie Russillo and Eva Krins/Maison Moderne

André Hesse (Markcom Luxembourg) and Mike Koedinger (Maison Moderne) are at the helm of the new award, launched on 6 November. Photo: Marie Russillo and Eva Krins/Maison Moderne

Markcom and Maison Moderne have launched a new annual event: Brand Manager of the Year. Five prizes will be awarded to communications professionals.

It’s on: from 6 November until 6 December, applications are open for the first “Brand Manager of the Year.” This award, organised by Markcom and Maison Moderne, aims to honour the work of communications directors and marketing managers, whose job titles may vary but who qualify under the umbrella term “brand managers.”

“The intention is to recognise the work of brand managers and to highlight the importance of this role in the deployment of corporate strategy and growth, as well as the importance of their communications initiatives, developed in close collaboration with the entire communications sector,” said Maison Moderne founder and CEO , speaking at the at Utopolis on 25 October.

“We are not rewarding a specific campaign or project, but the work of brand managers over the year,” added , president of Markcom.

Five winners will be chosen, each from a different category: “institutional,” “retail and hospitality, “services,” “financial sector,” and “Brand Manager of the Year.” There will be no panel of judges, but rather 500 brand managers whose votes will carry equal weight. These individuals will be sent an invitation and will each have five votes.

For more information, please email: .

The awards will be presented at a ceremony on 18 January at Malt in Luxembourg-Clausen.

This article in Paperjam. It has been translated and edited for Delano.