The new regulatory framework will provide a solid basis for teleworking. © EU/Lukasz Kobus

The new regulatory framework will provide a solid basis for teleworking. © EU/Lukasz Kobus

The new regulations will provide a concrete framework for teleworking, as well as support Luxembourg’s ministries, state administrations and public establishments in deploying this way of working.

The agreement underlines the voluntary aspect of telework and emphasises the need for equal treatment of employees who are physically present and those who are working from home.

It also defines the telework authorisation procedure for Luxembourg’s civil service employees, and covers the right to disconnect, data protection, the duty of confidentiality and the protection of health and safety while teleworking.

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Minister of civil service (DP) welcomed the constructive talks that took place with the representatives of the General Confederation of the Public Service (CGFP). The concrete framework will be a big advantage for civil servants and promote increased telework throughout public establishments.

According to Eurostat, due to pandemic-related restrictions, 12% of employed people in the EU usually worked from home in 2020, compared to 5 or 6% over the past decade. Around 23% of employed people in Luxembourg usually worked from home.