Lara Sophie Bothur, corporate tech influencer and voice for innovation in Europe at Deloitte in Germany, speaks at the Nexus2050 technology conference, taking place at Luxexpo, 26-27 June 2024. Photo: Deloitte

Lara Sophie Bothur, corporate tech influencer and voice for innovation in Europe at Deloitte in Germany, speaks at the Nexus2050 technology conference, taking place at Luxexpo, 26-27 June 2024. Photo: Deloitte

Lara Sophie Bothur speaks at the upcoming Nexus2050 technology conference. In this interview, she shares her perspective on global tech trends.

Nexus2050: What has, so far in 2024, been the biggest surprise to you in technology?

: In 2024, the most surprising technological advancements have been AI film generation with Sora, the rollout of the first Crispr-based gene-editing treatments, the launch of Apple Vision Pro, the commencement of Neurolink testing on human brains and the introduction of the Humane AI-pin.

What do you expect will be announced in 2024, and by whom?

This year, we can anticipate significant advancements in humanoid robots with AI, the proliferation of AI gadgets in the market, the widespread use of AI avatars on social media and the beginning of manned air taxi flights by the end of 2024 or early 2025.

Which five companies should we watch in 2024, and why?

This year, we should watch Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot for its potential to revolutionise automation, SpaceX for its advancements in lunar and Mars missions, Apple’s AR developments with Vision Pro, Google’s Gemini AI project for enhancing digital interactions, OpenAI for breakthroughs in AI content production and Aleph Alpha because I’d like to see how the investments are implemented.

Enter to win free passes

We are giving away tickets for the event with full two-day access to the exhibition area, symposium, cocktails, networking opportunities with renowned speakers and international officials, as well as the matchmaking zone. To participate in the draw, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject: Nexus2050/Delano08062024.

Originally published by and reposted with permission