Ten fintech outfits will have networking opportunities with potential partners, investors, microfinance institutions and public financial institutions during this year’s “Catapult: Inclusion Africa” programme, organised by the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (Lhoft) with support from Luxembourg’s foreign ministry. Pictured: 2022 participants. Photo: Lhoft

Ten fintech outfits will have networking opportunities with potential partners, investors, microfinance institutions and public financial institutions during this year’s “Catapult: Inclusion Africa” programme, organised by the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (Lhoft) with support from Luxembourg’s foreign ministry. Pictured: 2022 participants. Photo: Lhoft

The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (Lhoft) has launched the 6th edition of its “Catapult: Inclusion Africa” programme, which aims to help startups “enhance financial inclusiveness” and scale their business.

Lhoft’s “Catapult: Inclusion Africa” programme taps “the Luxembourg inclusive finance and fintech ecosystem to support the selected 10 companies in developing their business and achieving their inclusion goals,” Lhoft .

“The programme targets companies focusing on financial inclusion in Africa, aiming to build bridges between Africa and Europe and highlighting the alignment of their initiatives with the sustainability objectives of the Luxembourg financial centre.”

Sessions will cover “business model mapping, scaling strategies, investability, business plan presentation, legal strategy, pricing, marketing strategy,” among other topics.

Catapult: Inclusion Africa will be held in French during African Microfinance Week, from 16 to 20 October in Lomé, Togo. .