Five of the new partners at are in the investment management field. There is one new partner in each of the following domains: corporate law, mergers & acquisitions; corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, finance & capital markets; finance & capital markets; litigation & dispute resolution; and tax law.
Corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, finance & capital markets
François Deprez has been appointed partner in the domain of corporate law, mergers & acquisitions. He joined Arendt & Medernach in 2003, and advises asset managers from the private equity and real estate industry.
has been appointed partner in the corporate law, mergers & acquisitions and finance & capital markets practices of Arendt. He joined the firm in 2014 and is also a lecturer in general company law at the Chamber of Commerce and a teaching assistant at the University of Luxembourg.
Dominik Pauly is now a partner in the finance & capital markets practice of Arendt. He specialises in banking and financing, and joined Arendt in 2020 after having worked as a finance lawyer in Germany.
Investment management
is a partner in the investment management practice of Arendt, and advises fund sponsors. He focuses on private equity and venture capital and joined Arendt & Medernach in 2012.
is a partner in the investment management part of Arendt. She advises clients on corporate and regulatory aspects of investment fund managers and investment funds.
has been appointed partner in investment management. He specialises in the set-up and management of Ucits (Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), and is also chairman of the Efama (European Fund and Asset Management Association) Benchmarks Task Force.
is now a partner in investment management at Arendt. He advises fund sponsors on the structuring, formation and operation of alternative investment funds.
is a partner in Arendt’s investment management practice and mainly advises clients on the structuring and management of alternative investment funds. He is a member of Alfi’s Eltif (European long-term investment fund) working group.
Litigation & dispute resolution, tax law
is a partner in the litigation and dispute resolution domain. She specialises in insurance coverage disputes and is expanding into areas such as fund industry litigation.
is a partner in Arendt’s tax law practice. He specialises in tax structuring for investment funds, and previously worked as a tax lawyer in Frankfurt, Germany.