facilitating civic engagement Credit: Agence du Bénévolat facilitating civic engagement Credit: Agence du Bénévolat

To make it easier for people to get involved as volunteers, the platform enables people who want to give their time to find volunteering opportunities that match their desires.

To make it easier for people to get involved as volunteers, the platform enables people who want to give their time to find volunteering opportunities that match their desires.

In order to streamline the process for individuals seeking to contribute as volunteers, the platform serves as a conduit for those desiring to dedicate their time to discover volunteering opportunities aligned with their preferences.

Objectives of

Centralizing opportunities aims to centralize and catalogue all volunteering opportunities in Luxembourg, encompassing diverse causes such as social welfare, environmental conservation, animal welfare, healthcare, education, solidarity, community service, sports, culture, and more. The platform provides a comprehensive array of assignments categorized by areas of action, types of activities, and the target beneficiaries.

Facilitating the search

Thanks to its advanced search features, the site allows users to find opportunities based on their interests, skills/talents, and availability. This contributes to ensuring an optimal match between organizations seeking volunteers and individuals eager to participate. Urgent missions are highlighted for individuals with immediate, short- or medium-term availability.

Offering inclusive volunteering opportunities

The digital platform is accessible to a wide audience, including residents of Luxembourg, newcomers, cross-border commuters aged 16 and above. Available in French, German, and English, allows prospective volunteers to search for assignments based on spoken languages, format preferences (face-to-face or tele-volunteering), and the nature of involvement—be it events, projects, or cause support.

Promoting accessibility

The platform promotes inclusivity by offering features such as one-click text enlargement and a font option designed to facilitate recognition for individuals with dyslexia. Additionally, a filter in the mission search engine allows users to identify opportunities open to individuals with reduced mobility.

Main Features of

User profile

Each user can create a personalized profile, indicating their skills, interests, and availability, which can be easily shared with the associations of their choice.

Advanced search engine

The advanced search engine allows users to filter opportunities based on specific criteria, including location, type of assignment, and duration.

Saved searches and personalized notifications

Users can track associations of interest and view new opportunities matching their saved search criteria with a single click.

Continuous improvement approach

In line with its commitment to supporting volunteering, actively listens to the needs of volunteers and associations, incorporating feedback into its ongoing efforts to enhance the platform.

Whether you're ready to give your time or seek assistance, stands as an indispensable platform for meaningful civic engagement, either through volunteerism or the development of voluntary projects.

Embark on your volunteering journey and give it a try today with

Produced with the support of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees. facilitating civic engagement  Agence du Bénévolat facilitating civic engagement  Agence du Bénévolat facilitating civic engagement   Agence du Bénévolat facilitating civic engagement   Agence du Bénévolat