For Bettina Steinbrügge, a real holiday is at least three weeks, preferably by the sea.  Photo: Mudam Luxembourg / Marion Dessard

For Bettina Steinbrügge, a real holiday is at least three weeks, preferably by the sea.  Photo: Mudam Luxembourg / Marion Dessard

Summer vacation is in full swing! In this daily series, various Luxembourg personalities share their relationship with holidays and how they disconnect. Up today: Bettina Steinbrügge, director of the Mudam.

Paperjam: When it comes to holidays, are you a planner or more the spontaneous type?

: It varies a lot. I used to always go to Asia in the winter and spend the summer in Germany. It depends on how my partner and I measure the work and projects in progress. We also try to spend time with our friends in the summer, which determines our schedule. This year, we’re going to Locarno, Italy, to meet up with friends in different parts of the country.

How do you choose your destinations?

We make plans with our friends, looking for places where we can relax. The presence of water is important, whether it’s the sea or a lake.

How many days do you consider a holiday to be worthwhile?

You need three weeks, once a year, to really relax.

Is it difficult to switch off?

Fortunately, I’m able to disconnect at any time and in any place. Sometimes it takes me two days to feel like I’m in holiday mode.

What’s your favourite holiday activity or ritual?

Reading, sleeping, swimming, eating, spending time with my friends.

What’s your favourite holiday memory?

There are so many. Recently, I spent two soothing weeks on the Greek island of Syros, which allowed me to relax. I remember having lots of wonderful conversations.

Do you prefer an active or relaxing holiday?


What’s your best trick for decompressing?


Something you can’t do without on holiday?

A book.

Do you follow the news while on holiday?

No, I don’t!

How do you plan your holiday budget?

I’m not very organised. On the other hand, I’m careful not to make it too expensive. My budget always has to allow me to make a few purchases and eat well. Most of my items are bought on holiday, like the cutlery I recently brought back from Sri Lanka.

Have your holidays ever inspired you to develop your business in a new way?

Yes, absolutely. After a period of relaxation, a lot of ideas come to mind, which are then rethought and discussed as a team after the holidays. You need peace and quiet to be able to develop ideas. Reading also helps.

What’s your worst anecdote or lesson learned during the holidays?

Going to southern Europe in winter just doesn’t make sense to me, because even with moderate temperatures, it’s far too cold in most holiday homes or hotels. I realised that I needed warmth to rest properly.

What’s the first thing you usually do when you get back?

Wash my clothes and call my family.

Where in Luxembourg do you feel you’re on holiday?

In the forest.

This article in French.