Member of American Women’s Club of Luxembourg since 2018, Brandy Bishop is seen at the Patton monument in Ettelbruck. Photo: Romain Gamba

Member of American Women’s Club of Luxembourg since 2018, Brandy Bishop is seen at the Patton monument in Ettelbruck. Photo: Romain Gamba

In the final instalment of the “Meet the communities” series, Delano caught up with the former president and current board member of the American Women’s Club of Luxembourg Brandy Bishop, who shares with us a place that makes her think most of home.

Brandy Bishop joined the when she arrived from Colorado, US, in 2018 in order “to make connections with people and learn how to navigate expat life.”

She and the family moved over due to a professional relocation, and today she praises the quality of life.

Today there are many smaller events that take place within the AWCL, from foreign language learning and book clubs, to stitching, scrapbooking and more. Founded in 1959, AWCL is also quite unique in the sense that it owns its own clubhouse, where members can gather in different rooms so multiple events can be running simultaneously.

She is pictured above at the Patton monument, in Ettelbruck, which reminds Bishop of her own family history and of “the historic friendship between the US and Luxembourg.” Both her grandfathers were World War II veterans who served in Europe.

“I have a great-great-uncle that went missing in action in World War I”; his name figures on a memorial at St Mihiel American Cemetery in France, located about 90km south of the grand duchy.