Trade unions announced the end of the strike at Cargolux on the evening of 16 September. Stakeholders and management have reached an agreement. The strike began on Thursday 14 September.  Photo: Paperjam archives

Trade unions announced the end of the strike at Cargolux on the evening of 16 September. Stakeholders and management have reached an agreement. The strike began on Thursday 14 September.  Photo: Paperjam archives

In a joint press release, Cargolux management and the LCGB and OGBL labour unions announced that they had reached an agreement, bringing the strike to an end.

At 9.30pm on Saturday 16 September, trade unions announced the end of the . Stakeholders and management have reached an agreement. The strike began on Thursday 14 September.

The unions were demanding a 6% pay rise over four years, while the airline’s management did not want to go beyond 5% over five years, a compromise was reached for a pay rise package of 5.5% from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2027.

Management and unions met again at the negotiating table on Saturday afternoon. “The discussions were long, but calm and constructive”, said LCGB union secretary Paul de Araujo, who is responsible for the aviation sector. “We have reached a four-year agreement with a linear increase of 5.5%. In detail, there will be an increase of 2.5% on 1 September 2023, 1% on 1 September 2024, 1% on 1 September 2025 and the same for 2026.”

The agreement also appears to take account of the unions’ other demands, such as a revised pay scale for technical maintenance staff, protection against indexation and the company’s policy on working from home. “We were able to reach really satisfactory agreements on the other points, such as protection against an unconditional indexation cap,” explained OGBL general secretary Michelle Cloos, who is in charge of the aircraft sector.

Lastly, the unions were also able to ensure that employees on strike for three days would not lose any pay.

The press release points out that the negotiations took place in the presence of Cargolux CEO , LCGB National President and OGBL President .

 Originally published in French by and translated for Delano.