“Luxembourg is a perfect ecosystem for young entrepreneurs,” says Charlotte Lassine, who has created her own wine, amour.bouche. Photo: Eva Krins/Maison Moderne

“Luxembourg is a perfect ecosystem for young entrepreneurs,” says Charlotte Lassine, who has created her own wine, amour.bouche. Photo: Eva Krins/Maison Moderne

Amour.bouche is a new wine created by Charlotte Lassine. Armed with passion and determination, the 21-year-old is embarking on an entrepreneurial adventure.

Charlotte Lassine has a head full of ideas and a desire to get things done. Just 21 years old, this wine enthusiast decided to launch her own blend. “I come from a family where we like to entertain, share good meals and enjoy wine. What’s more, my father is an entrepreneur and I’ve always been surrounded by this spirit of professional challenge. These foundations underpinned Lassine’s decision to create her own wine, amour.bouche, last March.

In Paris, where she was studying business management, she discovered the culture of wine bars. “I think I’ve tried almost all of them,” she says with amusement. “Several of them are run by young people, which confirmed my choice.” She is also taking oenology courses to perfect her knowledge.

The challenge of finding winemakers

“I wanted to be able to create a wine that I naturally liked and that could be enjoyed by as many people as possible. The perfect wine for any occasion, whether it’s an aperitif, a dinner with friends or a bottle to give as a gift. I also wanted to create a wine that could be drunk at any time of year, whether for a barbecue in summer or with soup in winter.”

But to make wine, you need the raw material. She concentrates on one favourite region: the south of France, and more particularly Provence. Her family doesn’t come from that area, so she knocked on the doors of winegrowers and tried her luck. “I was turned down 40 times, which was really tough. But I was lucky enough to meet two young brothers who run Domaine La Tourraque in Ramatuelle. They understood my project and my desire, and agreed to work together on their grape varieties to make ‘my’ wine.”

Charlotte Lassine designed the visual for the label herself and ensured that it matched as many tableware styles as possible.  Eva Krins/Maison Moderne 

Charlotte Lassine designed the visual for the label herself and ensured that it matched as many tableware styles as possible.  Eva Krins/Maison Moderne 

After several trials and adjustments, amour.bouche was born from a blend of mourvèdre and grenache harvested in 2023. “It’s a light, round wine that goes well with many dishes. It’s neither too dry, too fruity nor too aggressive, and has a medium length on the palate. Personally, I even put it in the fridge to enjoy it cooler on hot days.” 2,500 bottles (or 400 cases) were produced.

A one-woman business

To launch this project, Lassine chose to manage everything herself, from the business plan to marketing and delivery. She also came up with the name of the wine and the design for the label. To do this, she drew inspiration from the aesthetics of France in the 1960s and 70s, “marked by simplicity and elegance,” she says, and from films such as Jacques Deray’s La Piscine.

She has also approached restaurateurs who have agreed to serve her wine at their tables. Amour.bouche can currently be found at Mesa Verde, Amore and Bonne nouvelle. From October, it will also be available at Public House. “Luxembourg is a perfect ecosystem for young entrepreneurs. People are curious and love good products. There are a number of young people who have launched their businesses recently and I want to be part of that movement,” confides Lassine. And she has no intention of stopping there. “We’re already working on a rosé wine, and I hope that a white wine will soon follow.”

This article was originally published in .