Christian Scharff Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

Christian Scharff Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

The individual, the state and businesses need to act now, interdependently, to build the solutions that will accelerate the implementation of measures to tackle climate change, argues IMS Luxembourg president Christian Scharff as the organisation marks its 15th anniversary.

Every day, we experience the consequences of climate change and biodiversity loss. Fires, rising water levels, floods, species extinction, deforestation, the acidification of the ocean, and record temperatures have become daily news. Almost banal. What does it take to reverse the movement that destroys our planet and seems imminent and inevitable?

It is as if we were all more or less aware of what was going on but that we had decided to give up. Facing this growing fatalism, we need to tirelessly search for and deploy solutions to stop this ominous trend.

Over the past 15 years, we have witnessed many COP summits--some being successful like Paris or Glasgow. Nevertheless, action and funding struggle to follow on a sufficient scale and speed, as if the priorities were somewhere else. Yet when an acute and imminent danger to our democracy arises--war at the gates of Europe--hundreds of billions of euro in credit are released in a few weeks. Our pyramid of values has strange priorities. Breathing, drinking, and eating all come after feeling safe. Far be it from me to argue that our efforts to help Ukraine are not important, but we must note that the “sense of urgency” is perceived very differently for the two issues.

The arrogance of humankind, which “really” thinks it will dominate nature and find solutions to everything it has destroyed--and continues to destroy --is disturbing, to say the least. It is a fundamental question that needs to be addressed.

Question the system

So, it is up to each individual to “revolt”, to question the system, reconnect to nature and change consumption and buying habits. But who turns down the heater at home by 2 degrees to limit gas consumption? Who goes without buying the latest fashion or eating meat more than once a week? With such an abundance on offer, why go without?

There are still too few of us who examine our consciences as “citizens of the Earth”, who consume “sustainably”, act as “supportive” neighbours and take “social” for granted.

So, this is not the right way? Yes, of course, but it is not going fast enough. There are not enough of us to make things happen.

It is up to the public authorities to take the options that will lead us down the right path. To enact the laws and regulations that will guide the actions of both individuals and companies. 

But which states have banned pesticides, set ambitious, realistic, and funded programmes and are already 'carbon neutral', 'sustainable'?

Bhutan, Panama, or Sikkim? What about the "big ones" like the United States, China, Europe, or India? Too busy positioning themselves on the geopolitical chessboard and defending their economic interests, they are investing massively invested in shale gas, exploring the seabed, and coveting the Arctic resources that are have become accessible.

Of course, there is a lot of legislation on the subject, but we always have the impression that we are two or three steps behind reality.
 Christian Scharff

 Christian Scharff president  IMS Luxembourg

Of course, there is a lot of legislation on the subject, but we always have the impression that we are two or three steps behind reality.

Is it the power of the lobbies and the tyranny of the majority that push our elected representatives to always “give more” to ensure re-election? Indeed, genuinely ecological policies would inevitably be very unpopular, at least initially.

So, is this not the right way? Yes, of course, but it is not going fast enough. There are not enough of them to make things happen.

An end to greenwashing

Is the onus on business to drive change? Indeed, they have a long-term view of value creation, and climate change puts a lot of companies at risk. But it also creates a lot of opportunities. The company can, both via its employees and its customers, contribute in an organised and rapid way to changing behaviour and 'creating' different needs. And there is no shortage of organisations, from Unilever to Lego to Danone, that dare to take a stand and offer us 'sustainable' products and contribute to changing our behaviour. I know there is still a lot of greenwashing, but consumers are increasingly putting an end to it via social media.

However, the fact is that 'green' companies are still in the minority, and our millions of SMEs are more concerned with 'living' or 'surviving' than with finding a more sustainable way of doing business. And who would blame them?

We live in a world where the “natural” product is considered an exception and the “toxic” is the norm
 Christian Scharff

 Christian Scharff president IMS Luxembourg

So, is this not the right way? Yes, of course, but it is not going fast enough. There are not enough of them to make things happen.

We live in a world where the “natural” product is considered an exception and the “toxic” is the norm. If this wasn’t the case, why is it that natural food is labelled "organic" and all other so-called "conventional" food is sold without any labelling warning us of its additives and stabilisers, except in tiny letters on the labels that only scientists can decipher?

It took a century to impose “smoking kills” labels on cigarette packets. Yet we accept quantities of solvents, dyes, waves, heavy metals and pollutants in our daily lives as if they were 'natural'. Soon we will be sold clean air as a luxury, a forest as an outstanding good, fertile land as a miracle, and the absence of noise or visual pollution as a rare good. The norm becomes the exception. The common good will only be the prerogative of the privileged few.

Is this the world we want for ourselves and our children?

NO. But then, what to do?

Building solutions together

Four central axes come to light: Put our collective priorities in the correct order; get each of us to work on our alignment and move to action; support politicians in their initiatives and “climate” or “solidarity” plans; finally, choose “sustainable” companies as much as an employee as a customer.

But it is also about everyone working in partnership. Because these actors are all interdependent, building the solutions together will allow a better acceptance of the measures and an acceleration of their implementation. So, yes. The individual, the state, and the company play a role together.

And much, much faster because mother nature is already severely damaged. She has incredible regenerative capacities, but she's reaching the limits of her resilience. She tells us so every day with the melting of the ice caps, storms, repeated fires, and the loss of biodiversity.

Will we be able to see it? Do we want to listen? Or will our arrogance and consumption, electability and profit desires be stronger?

Inspiring More Sustainability Luxembourg is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.

Fifteen years is mere dust on the scale of the history of time on our planet.

Fifteen years is also an eternity on the scale of climate change during the 21st century.

I hereby want to warmly thank all who have put their trust in us on this adventure: our members, public and private institutions, sponsors, our employees, our administrators, donors, volunteers, non-profit organisations we collaborate with, our speakers and trainers. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

The work awaiting us is tremendous. Our willingness to act and our ambition are intact and stronger than ever.

The time for action has now more than ever arrived.

Without further ado.

IMS Luxembourg will celebrate its 15th anniversary at the special edition of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum on 6 October at LuxExpo The Box. Register now: