Xavier Bettel (DP) speaking during his state of the nation address in parliament on 12 October Library photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

Xavier Bettel (DP) speaking during his state of the nation address in parliament on 12 October Library photo: Romain Gamba / Maison Moderne

A climate council of 100 Luxembourg residents will launch next year, prime minister Xavier Bettel said on the sidelines of Cop26 in Glasgow. 

Bettel (DP) had first announced the initiative during his , saying that citizens should have a greater say in climate policy. The idea is to gather 100 people from different walks of life to provide input on climate measures.

Speaking to Radio 100,7 in Glasgow, Bettel said that the members of the council would be ordinary citizens rather than not-for-profit organisations or lobby groups, like Greenpeace or Fedil.

The prime minister said that a concept is in the works on how the 100 citizens would be chosen, which should be ready at the latest at the start of next year.

“My gut feeling tells me that our citizens are ready to do more than we politicians think, and we should listen,” he said.