Tanja de Jager is pictured with Paperjam + Delano Club’s Jim Kent MM

Tanja de Jager is pictured with Paperjam + Delano Club’s Jim Kent MM

Being a media star in a country that only has one TV station has its limits, perhaps not surprising therefore that Tanja de Jager also turned her hand to running restaurants, nightclubs and bars. 

The road of an entrepreneur also has had its ups and downs. Hear an honest appraisal of the Luxembourg media sector and Tanja's own personal story as a business owner.

Tanja has seen the inside workings of a TV station for which she worked as a presenter, weather person and celebrity chef but she thinks there is room for improvement in our national broadcaster. When asked about the news she comments; "And then the government tells you this, and then this big company tells you that, they just send a journalist there, who then reproduces it word by word of what he heard at the press conference. That's for me, not journalism."

Tanja left the world of media and has been involved in several bars and restaurants of which is she is best known for owning the successful wine-bar Dipso.

When asked about serving difficult clients in the hospitality sector she said. "I think if you do that job, it's because it's a passion of yours, you really want to do that and you really want to serve people......to make them happy. And even if they are being difficult and complicated, you still try and make them happy.

So does working in hospitality in Luxembourg make you a millionaire?

"You're not gonna get rich in Luxembourg having a bar or a restaurant. Unless you have huge places with 300 chairs and you sell pizza, then maybe the margin is a little bit better."

Listen to the podcast for her full insights.