Cabinet on 19 October approved a law project which would include so-called “long-covid” in the list of items reimbursed by the CNS. The condition, which is defined in several ways, is diagnosed in patients who still experience symptoms of the infection weeks or months after the initial positive test.
The Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) from July 2021 until mid-2022 treated in its long covid ward. The ward, according to the public healthcare provider’s annual report, continues to be very active. With symptoms ranging from chronic fatigue syndrome and concentration problems to short-term memory loss, headaches, migraines, brain fog, aches and pains, and depression, along with lasting treatments, patients may also suffer from mental health issues, which require the help of a psychologist.
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Professionals told Delano at the start of 2022 that they worried about the accessibility of the various long-covid treatments--which can take an undetermined time to clear up or be managed. Their prayers are now one step closer to being answered as the government has approved the bill.
The draft law now still has to be debated and voted in parliament, after which it will be published in the Official Journal and go into force.
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