Cute chicks, eggs, bunnies: sink your teeth in this Easter Alamy Stock pictures

Cute chicks, eggs, bunnies: sink your teeth in this Easter Alamy Stock pictures

Beautiful egg for two at Pèitry

Quentin Debailleux once again puts his creativity to good use with a nice surprise egg to take away. “Dulce” cream, pistachio sponge cake, caramelised nuts and cookie crumble...yummy or what? Order here.

Surprise Easter egg by Quentin Debaiolleux at Pèitry Photo: Restauberge Pèitry 

Colour and taste at Lola Valerius

Lola Valerius offers hand-painted Easter eggs, with dark or milk chocolate shells, garnished with a mixture of hazelnuts and roasted, carmelised almonds, coated with chocolate. Please note, pre-orders are already closed, you will have to be quick on site (37, avenue de la Gare, in Esch), from 30 March!

Plenty of colours with these hand-painted eggs at Lola Valerius, Esch-sur-Alzette Photo: Lola Valerius 

From chicken to egg at Genaveh

The rising brand of chocolates has created an entire dedicated range for Easter 2021, from chicken to egg. Which came first? We don’t know... But which is worth sampling? Both! More info on the Genaveh page.

A chick to devour at Genevah Photo: Genevah 

Sigoji egg hunt at Ochocolats

In Soleuvre, eggs, big or small, are made thanks to Sigoji chocolate, used by Ochocolats. With its dark intensity, the large model should appeal to lovers of intense cocoa. For the little ones: salted butter caramel, toffee, or sparkling white options are also available. More information on the store page.

Responsible chocolate, sparkling recipes at Ochocolats Photo: SedranJPhotography 

Ode to crunchiness at Namur

In this emblematic Luxembourg house, it would be out of the question not to innovate every year. This Easter, there will be chocolate and cakes, but also something that really caught our eye: crunchiness! Particularly in the form of little rabbits, which will soon be shamelessly gobbled right up... Discover the range here.

Crunchy bunnies at Namur Photo: Namur 

This article was originally published in French on and has been translated and edited for Delano.