Nick Curwen of SS&C Luxembourg speaks at the Alfi Private Equity and Real Estate Conference on Tuesday 21 November SS&C Luxembourg

Nick Curwen of SS&C Luxembourg speaks at the Alfi Private Equity and Real Estate Conference on Tuesday 21 November SS&C Luxembourg

In advance of the event, Delano spoke with Nick Curwen, country head of SS&C Luxembourg. He is a panellist on the “Operational Efficiency – a constant adaptation to the drivers of change and evolving PE operating platforms” talk on Tuesday at 3:15pm. 

Aaron Grunwald: What do you want the audience to get most from the “Operational Efficiency” panel?

Nick Curwen: An insight into the underlying drivers of changes in the last years as well as some ideas on how we see our industry evolving operationally going forward.

What industry standard would you like to see implemented next?

An industry standard due diligence questionnaire for each actor that would reduce the work load and cost imposed by albeit well intended regulatory principals.

Do you think that Brexit will have a positive, neutral or negative effect on Luxembourg’s PE sector?

Positive for Luxembourg in the near term, but I do see Brexit possibly turning into a negative situation for European investors in the medium and long term, whereby the choice of products is reduced due to access to managers.

Aside from your own talk at the ALFI event, which speech or panel are you most looking forward to hearing, and why?

There are a lot of great panels across the two days, but I am particularly interested in the insurance and pension view on private equity investment [editor’s note: Tuesday at 2pm].

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