“Mascht”, as he is known to friends, follows a family tradition after his brother, Geoffrey, represented Luxembourg in the same discipline at the 2015 World Championships in Vail, USA.
According to the Winter Olympic Games profile, he first caught the skiing bug aged three during a family holiday to Courchevel in France. He told Le Quotidien in a 2018 interview that it was his parents who passed on their passion for skiing.
Osch is no stranger to competition, having raced since the age of 8. In 2016, he competed in the Winter Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway, and last year at the European Youth Olympic Festival. He is currently studying in Austria, a country he chose in order to continue his training alongside his studies.
After Sunday’s race, the public can watch him compete again on 22 February in the giant slalom. Click here to follow the results.
Luxembourg has competed in nine Winter Olympic Games since 1928, including this one in Pyeongchang. The only Luxembourg athlete to have won a Winter Olympics medal was Marc Girardelli, an Austrian-born skier who won two silver medals in the 1992 games in Albertville.