Two essential phone numbers
The European Union has put in place a unique emergency phone number. In all the European Member States as well as in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, you can dial 112 in cases of accident or injury, health complications, fire, flood, intoxication or attack. The service is free of charge and available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Do the emergency operators speak English? Most of them yes but not fluently. Be aware that English is not their first language. So, explain the situation slowly and clearly with all necessary details and the type of assistance required. If needed, spell in the local language the critical details such as your street name to avoid confusion – especially over the phone.
You may also call 112 for information about hospitals, pharmacies, doctors, dentists and veterinarians on duty. Of course, operators will give priority to emergency calls. If you can, avoid calling the emergency phone number and try finding other ways to collect this information (see below).
In the case of a police emergency with no people injured, you have to call 113 for help.
On-duty hospitals and pharmacies
In Luxembourg, not all hospitals have emergency services and out of hour treatment. Only a few on-duty hospitals (hôpitaux de garde) provide emergency services on a rotation system. To know which they are, you have to check the local newspapers or online.
In cases of gynaecological and obstetric emergencies, you can call one of the two following services: Urgences Maternité of the CHL Maternité (+ 352 4411-11 for gynaecological emergencies and +352 4411-3204 for obstetric emergencies) or Urgences gynécologiques et obstétricales of the Clinique Bohler/Hôpitaux Robert Schuman (+352 26333-9022).
For children emergencies, you have two main options: the CHL Kannerklinik (+352 4411-6148) open 24/7 or the Clinique Bohler (+352 2468-5540) open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Like the on-call hospital system, pharmacies also take daily turns to ensure service during off-hours. The on-duty pharmacies are open all through the night until the next morning at 8 a.m. You can check the list in the local newspaper, online or at any pharmacy. After the regular working hours (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), every pharmacy displays a list of the nearest all-night pharmacies along with the address.
On-call medical homes
On-call medical homes (Maisons Médicales de garde) are replacement services after the standard working hours of the generalist doctors. They open in the evenings (from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.) as well as during the weekends and public holidays. They function as an alternative for non-emergency complaints such as cold, fever, angina, gastrointestinal disorders, lumbago and small injuries. If the problem is not very serious and does not need admission, you can go to the nearest Maison Médicale de garde without an appointment.
After midnight, you must dial 112. Your call will be recorded and forwarded to the on-duty practitioner at the Maison Médicale de garde, who will contact you. According to the situation, the doctor will ask you to go directly to the Maison Médicale de garde or may offer to see you at your home.
Three medical homes are available in Luxembourg:
- Luxembourg-City
(59 rue Michel Weilter L-2730 Luxembourg, +352 44 11 11);
- Esch/Alzette in the south of the country
(70 rue Émile Mayrisch L-4240 Esch/Alzette)
- and Ettelbruck in the north of the country
(110 avenue Lucien Salentiny L-9080 Ettelbruck, +352 81 661).
Dental emergency and veterinarians
In case of toothache or any dental problem, you can find temporary support at the nearest Maison Médicale de garde. A dental care operates continuously at the Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg (rue Ernest Barbié, 4 L-1210 Luxembourg) from Saturday at 2 p.m. to Sunday at 6 p.m. If you have had an accident affecting your dentition, you have to go to the on-duty hospital.
If you have an emergency regarding your pets and if your veterinarian is absent or unavailable, you can check the site of the Lëtzebuerger Associatioun vun de Klengdéierenpraktiker (LAK). It provides a list of the on-duty small animal practitioners available from 8 a.m. every working day.
Whatever your situation is, don’t forget to bring your social security card and your passport or ID card. Also mention if you have any other private insurance.
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