Prime minister Xavier Bettel is pictured at the Diekirch brewery in this archive photo. If you see him around, don’t ask for a selfie--it’s a tell-tale sign that you’re not from here Patrick Galbats/archives

Prime minister Xavier Bettel is pictured at the Diekirch brewery in this archive photo. If you see him around, don’t ask for a selfie--it’s a tell-tale sign that you’re not from here Patrick Galbats/archives

Take the course

If you’re the studious type, it’s worth signing up for the “contrat d’accueil et d’intégration” (CAI), a two-year programme in which you’ll attend two different workshops to better understand Luxembourg and be entitled to three free courses in one of the country’s
three languages. You can sign up for the CAI via the integration agency OLAI.

Dine out on Sundays

It really is a Luxembourg thing! Don’t believe me? Then, head for any decent restaurant at Sunday lunchtime and see it for yourself.

Get on your bike

Luxembourg boasts four Tour de France winners and when the cycling hordes hit the roads at weekends you’ll see that this sport is more than just an armchair affair--people love to cycle here!

Luxembourg is a dog haven. Walking a dog is a quick way to fit in. Photo: Shutterstock

Get a dog

Luxembourgers are on the whole besotted with dogs. If you have a pooch or can borrow one, you’ll fit right in and meet plenty of Luxembourgers while you’re at it. Not at home enough to be able to have a dog? The Luxembourg-Gasperich dog centre or deierenasyl often needs volunteer dog walkers. Just turn up with an ID card at 1pm and you can take a dog for a stroll until 4:30pm.

Don’t pose for a selfie with the prime minister

Xavier Bettel can often be seen at public events. If you happen to bump into him, don’t ask for a selfie. It’s a tell-tale sign that you’re not from here.