According to a Eurostat report, in 2017 employees in Luxembourg received an average hourly compensation of €45, followed by Denmark (€39.70).
This may come as little surprise since Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in Europe, paying €1,998 for non-qualified staff aged 18, rising to €2,398 for qualified staff.
According to Statec, the average hourly rate rose from €35.20 in 2007, marking a 28% ten-year increase. Yet, Luxembourg did not record the highest relative increase in hourly wage over the ten years. That title went to Bulgaria, whose average hourly wage rose 122% from €2.30 to €5.10.
Workers appeared to get the rawest deal in Greece and the UK where the average hourly wage fell by 7% over the decade, from €12.10 to €11.20 and €27.30 to €25.50, respectively.
The average hourly wage includes wages and salaries, as well as employer social contributions for the total economy, divided by the number of hours worked by all employees.
Eurostat, the EU statistics agency, published the report on 22 March 2018.