Travel time is longer in Luxembourg than the European average Matic Zorman

Travel time is longer in Luxembourg than the European average Matic Zorman

While it takes an average of 25 minutes to get to work in the EU, Luxembourg has a commuting time of 29 minutes and, together with Hungary, occupies second place on the podium of countries with the longest commuting times, Eurostat reported on Wednesday.

The statistics institute shows that Cyprus has the shortest travel time (19 minutes) ahead of Greece (20 minutes) and the duo of Italy and Portugal (21 minutes).

Image: Eurostat

Note that these data concern employees by country of work and that they go back to 2019, i.e. before the covid-19 pandemic and the more frequent use of teleworking.

In this regard, the rate of home-working last year ranged from 0.3% in Bulgaria to 6.3% in Slovenia.