“What we’re seeing is an incredible amount of disinformation: scams, hoaxes, various attacks, phishing attacks, ranging right across the board in many languages around the world from many different types of actors,” Pinchen said.
Pinchen explained why the global pandemic was creating the perfect environment for disinformation to proliferate and he didn’t hold out much hope for things to improve during the crisis.
You can listen to the full interview on by hitting play on the audio embed below.
You can hear Pinchen speak and ask questions at the next digital privacy (virtual) salon at 6:30pm on 31 March. Discussions will relate to the growing number of hoaxes and malware attacks related to the virus outbreak.
Participation is free of charge. Click here to find out more.
Chris Pinchen is an expert in online privacy and internet safety. As well as being a freelance trainer, he works as part of the Bee Secure project, promoting online safety and security to young people, parents and teachers, and he is part of Crypto Apero and Privacy Salon.