The Tageblatt first reported the story on 19 July, citing the news website “Atlanta Georgia News”. On 12 August, the Luxembourg newspaper showed a picture, posted by Randy Evans on Facebook, which showed a name sign “Randy Evans, Luxembourg” and the book “Inside a U.S. Embassy- diplomacy at work”.
Evans wrote that he participates in the training courses for diplomats organised by the State Department. The picture also shows the likely name of the next Swiss ambassador, Ed Mc Mullen. Evans has since deleted the post.
However, there is as yet no official confirmation of the nomination. If nominated, his candidature must pass the senate.
Randy Evans is also partner in the international law firm Dentons, which has a branch in Luxembourg that employs 30 staff, according to the Tageblatt. Evans used to work for Newt Gringrich, first as trainee, then as his lawyer.
His GOP biography states that
“Randy Evans was elected to the Republican National Committee as National Committeeman of Georgia in 2012. He currently serves on the Rules Committee, the GOP Presidential Nomination Rules Subcommittee, and the Committee on GOP Presidential Debates. He served as the Counsel for the Speakers of the 104th - 109th Congresses of the United States, Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert. He was the Senior Advisor for the Newt Gingrich Presidential Campaign in 2012.”