According to data from industry representative body the House of Automobiles, together they made up 17.4% of all registrations during the first five months of 2021.

The positive trend comes after a difficult pandemic year for car dealers, who suffered a 20% overall drop in registrations compared to the same period in 2019. The decline was particularly pronounced in private car registrations, which were down 27%, while company car registrations experienced a 12% decline. Light commercial vehicles plummeted 32% in 2020, but have since returned to 2019 levels.

The current government wants to see 49% of all vehicles on its roads electrified by 2030, this includes 100% electric and plug-in hybrids.

Petrol vehicles made up 38.5% of passenger cars sold and diesel accounted for 28.9%. The remaining 10% were so-called not off-vehicle charging hybrid electric vehicles.

The results are in step with a growing European trend whereby hybrid electric vehicles rose to 11.9% of total passenger car sales across the EU in 2020, from 5.7% in 2019. And electric vehicles accounted for 10.5% of all new car registrations, compared to 3.0% the year before.

Top brands

Altogether, some 20,816 new passenger cars were registered in Luxembourg during the first five months of 2021. Volkswagen continued to dominate the list of favoured brands, followed by BMW (2,153), Mercedes (2,056), Audi (1,672), Peugeot (1,439) and Skoda (1,210).