Undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (Ucits) funds in Europe saw net outflows of €15bn, while alternative inveestment funds (AIFs) overall registered €8bn of net inflows in June, said Efama. Photo: Shutterstock

Undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (Ucits) funds in Europe saw net outflows of €15bn, while alternative inveestment funds (AIFs) overall registered €8bn of net inflows in June, said Efama. Photo: Shutterstock

The latest monthly factsheet published by the European Fund and Asset Management Association (Efama) reports that Luxembourg alternative investment funds saw €3.879bn of net inflows in June 2023. Ucits recorded €19.181bn of outflows.

Efama on 1 September published its most recent , which includes fund statistics for June 2023. Luxembourg alternative investment funds (AIFs) saw inflows of €3.879bn, compared to €1.731bn of net outflows in May 2023.

Luxembourg-domiciled undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (Ucits) funds, on the other hand, saw outflows of €19.181bn in June.

Ireland, a fund centre often considered to be a competitor to the grand duchy, saw these trends in reverse: Ireland saw €15.750bn of net inflows for Ucits funds and €1.857bn of outflows.

European AIFs overall registered €8bn of net inflows in June, while Ucits funds reported net outflows of €15bn.

Net assets in AIFs highest in Germany

The latest Efama figures also show that Germany had the highest amount of net AIF assets in Europe during the month of June: €2.1trn. It was followed by France (with €1.3trn in net AIF assets), Luxembourg (€966bn), Ireland (€843bn), the Netherlands (€728bn) and the United Kingdom (€495bn).

Luxembourg remained the European leader in terms of Ucits, with more than €4.2trn of net Ucits assets in June 2023. Ireland followed with €2.96trn of net Ucits assets, and the United Kingdom rounded out the podium with €887bn in net Ucits assets.

Total net assets of Ucits and AIFs increased by 1.2% in June to reach €19.8trn, said Efama’s press release.

ETFs resilient

Ucits exchange-traded funds (ETFs) saw €14bn in net sales in June, up from €9bn in May and €11bn in April.

“In June, Ucits ETFs continued to record high net sales for the ninth consecutive month, confirming the popularity of ETFs and their resilience in today’s investment landscape,” said Bernard Delbecque, senior director for economics and research at Efama.

Find Efama’s full industry factsheet for June 2023 .