They are the Luxembourg of tomorrow. They have a head full of ideas and a crazy desire to make them a reality. What do they have in common? They are under 40 and represent Luxembourg’s #Nextgen. Each day, discover the portraits of these 100 women and men who make up the new face of the country. In this instalment: Ekaterina Iuraga at KPMG.

Ekaterina Iuraga, originally from Russia, got to know Luxembourg thanks to her Erasmus year, spent in Trier during her bachelor’s studies. “I really liked the country, not only its culture and diversity, but also its dynamic economy,” explains Iuraga, aged 32.

She is continuing her master’s degree at the University of Luxembourg in entrepreneurship and innovation, “and I haven’t left for ten years, I feel really at home here”.

Iuraga, who has since acquired Luxembourg nationality, joined KPMG Luxembourg when she graduated in 2015. She is now a business & leadership skills team leader, “and I have the impression that the new generation of which I am a part, Gen Z, has priorities and objectives that are different from those of previous generations, such as work-life balance, of course, but also having jobs that have meaning.”

Read all the #Nextgen portraits in Paperjam’s October 2024