As part of this series, we asked Serge Weyland, chief executive officer at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg), about how Eltif 2.0 would impact Luxembourg, in particular for asset managers. Weyland told Delano:
“Eltifs could become a true pan-European vehicle solution for onboarding private investors into private asset strategies, and as a replacement for some of the more local solutions that exist today. Another opportunity for Luxembourg as a domicile is the fund-of-funds space. Eltif provides a very flexible tool to increase or broaden the distribution of these fund-of-fund products. They’re a great strategy for private investors or high net worth individuals in terms of asset diversification.”
Weyland stated: “Eltif 2.0 also presents the opportunity to create secondary markets for retail investors, which can help create liquidity. Blockchain technology and the distributed ledger concept may, for example, open up opportunities for tokenised Eltifs.”