The first results show the CSV in the lead, ahead of the DP and LSAP, who are neck and neck, while déi Gréng has fallen back. While we await the final verdict, here are some initial reactions from the business community.

“The electorate has decided in favour of change,” comments , president of the Chamber of Commerce. It’s not yet 9pm in the RTL Group offices. A number of business representatives are waiting, glasses in hand, for the results of the legislative elections to be displayed on the screens on either side of the room.

“Not everything has been counted yet. Over the last few months, we’ve known that nothing was certain. This evening, things seem to be crystallising,” continues Ernster. What do employers expect from the next government? “That it dares to talk about the problems we are likely to face and that it dares to build a strategy, together with businesses, that can guarantee us the maximum quality of life that we enjoy in Luxembourg today.”

For , director of the Luxembourg Employers’ Association (Union des entreprises luxembourgeoises, or UEL), “It’s difficult to say anything at this stage. We can see a certain trend among the Greens, while the others all seem to have gained a little. We’ll have to wait and see what coalitions are possible.” For the future, the most important thing will be “to tackle the issues that are most important to people: housing. And business competitiveness. There are a number of issues around the organisation of work and taxation.”

UEL president added: “The trend shows that the Greens have lost. That’s the only thing we can say. Luxembourg is full of challenges. Business is part of that challenge. I believe that the next government will have to work to have competitive and prosperous businesses.”

This article was first published in French on . It has been translated and edited for Delano.