From left to right: Ananda Kautz, Rafaël Le Saux, Valerie Claros and Luis Muñoz told Delano about their favourite places to enjoy nature. Photos: Guy Wolff; Romain Gamba. Montage: Maison Moderne

From left to right: Ananda Kautz, Rafaël Le Saux, Valerie Claros and Luis Muñoz told Delano about their favourite places to enjoy nature. Photos: Guy Wolff; Romain Gamba. Montage: Maison Moderne

Luxembourg has plenty of beautiful forests, parks and nature spots where you can relax, enjoy the scenery and recharge your batteries. Four finance professionals told Delano about their favourite places (and where you might even see a unicorn).

Ananda Kautz (with Mila and Luma) in the thermal park of Mondorf-les-Bains, walking across the bridge that spans the border. Photo: Guy Wolff/Maison Moderne

Ananda Kautz (with Mila and Luma) in the thermal park of Mondorf-les-Bains, walking across the bridge that spans the border. Photo: Guy Wolff/Maison Moderne

When asked about her favourite nature spot, , head of innovation, digital banking & payments at the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL), says, “Without hesitation it is the thermal park of Mondorf-les-Bains. I very often walk there, I recharge my batteries and I’m constantly amazed by the nature: the forest and the birdsong, the perfumed roserie, the garden of aromatic plants, the Altbach stream…”

“In the spring it’s incredibly flowery and colourful; in autumn the park is covered with a carpet of orange-red leaves, I often come across squirrels… My children are fans of the park for bike and scooter rides. A little paradise a few steps away from our home.”

For Rafaël Le Saux, the Cents Forest is “always a pleasant surprise, with its doses of greenery and fauna, including snails, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and an occasional fox.” Photo: Romain Gamba

For Rafaël Le Saux, the Cents Forest is “always a pleasant surprise, with its doses of greenery and fauna, including snails, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and an occasional fox.” Photo: Romain Gamba

“My favourite nature spot is the Cents Forest--it is a (broadly) three-kilometres long forest located between Cents, Neudorf, and Clausen. This inconspicuous forest is always a pleasant surprise, with its doses of greenery and fauna, including snails, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and an occasional fox,” says Rafaël Le Saux, director, corporate finance--valuation & modelling, PwC Luxembourg.

“During the first lockdown, it was the perfect playground for our (then) toddler, and she still enjoys it to this day, despite the absence of unicorns. We feel extremely fortunate to have access to a place like this and cannot imagine anything similar in other major financial centres.”

Valerie Claros and her dog Polly enjoy walks in this apple orchard in Steinsel. Photo: Romain Gamba

Valerie Claros and her dog Polly enjoy walks in this apple orchard in Steinsel. Photo: Romain Gamba

“After adopting Polly, I started to search for some nice areas in nature to take her on walks outside the city,” says Valerie Claros, senior treasury analyst at CBRE Global Investors. “A friend of mine showed me this spot [in Steinsel] and we’ve been coming up here ever since! The views are beautiful and it’s always so quiet and calm!”

Luis Muñoz, partner at DLA Piper, enjoys running in the forest near Hesperange. “It allows me to clear my mind and focus on the day ahead.” Photo: Romain Gamba

Luis Muñoz, partner at DLA Piper, enjoys running in the forest near Hesperange. “It allows me to clear my mind and focus on the day ahead.” Photo: Romain Gamba

“Originally from Spain, I am now professionally and personally thriving in Luxembourg. As a passionate runner, I run my home trails in Hesperange early mornings before work,” says , partner and tax lawyer at DLA Piper.

“I love how my favourite loop allows me to see the sunlight illuminating the financial centre in the background before making my way into the forest. Running in the forest by myself allows me to clear my mind and focus on the day ahead.”

An alternate version of this article first appeared in Delano’s Autumn 2023 edition, .