“Yes, family planning is absolutely useful, even today. Anyone who thinks otherwise need only visit our three consultation centres in Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette and Ettelbruck and they’ll see that the waiting rooms are always full.” It was with these words that the president (on a voluntary basis) of Family Planning, , replied on 18 March 2025 to those who might think that, in 2025, the organisation is no longer useful.
Family Planning celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. “Unfortunately, women’s rights can never be taken for granted and it’s a daily struggle,” adds director Céline Gérard. “This is particularly true in countries such as Poland, Hungary and the United States, where women’s rights are in decline. The 2024 annual report will not be presented until the general meeting in May, but the figures for 2023 show a significant increase in the number of abortions performed at the three centres in Luxembourg City, Esch-sur-Alzette and Ettelbruck.
Vast increase in abortions
1,034 women requested abortions in 2023, an increase of 46% compared with 2022. Some 880 abortions were scheduled, of which 98.2% were in Luxembourg (848) and 1.8% were abroad. Some 713 abortions (+28%) were carried out at the planning centre up to eight weeks following the last menstrual period (8SA), i.e. 81%. The average age of the pregnancy at the time of the abortion was 4.5 weeks, a slight increase. Family Planning doctors can perform medical abortions up to nine weeks. “For curettages or abortions after this date, we transfer requests to the CHL,” Gérard said.
“What we observed last year was a very sharp rise in abortions, without us being able to explain it,” said Achutegui. “We have asked the health ministry for statistics to see if this is an overall increase in the country, but so far they have not come back to us with any figures.”
71,098 moments of contact
There will be a number of events in 2025: a day dedicated to endometriosis, a conference on deconstructing the myths surrounding abortion and an open day on 18 June in Luxembourg City. The Ettelbruck centre will also be moving to larger premises in the coming months.
In 2023, the three centres, which employ more than 40 people, responded to 49,828 requests/contacts, an overall increase of 9%. If we add the 21,270 telephone calls, the total comes to 71,098 contacts. Doctors, psychologists, sexologists, social workers and counsellors welcomed 4,238 individuals and provided 18,638 consultations (+13%). Some 1,431 pregnancy tests were carried out, while 7,690 people received training, information and awareness-raising on sexual, reproductive and emotional health and rights (+9%).
Family Planning is also very active in the area of sex and emotional education for young people. “But we work on a tight schedule and to be properly present in schools there would need to be a lot more of us,” said Gérard, who is also worried about misinformation circulating on social networks. “Aids and sexually transmitted diseases and infections no longer scare people--but they’re a real danger. Some diseases, such as syphilis, are on the rise again.” In 2023, 606 syphilis patients were registered in Luxembourg, a third more than the previous year. With around 25 cases per 100,000 people, Luxembourg is at the top of the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) ranking, which includes 30 countries.
“All it will take is a political, economic and religious crisis for women’s rights, our rights, to be called into question. Throughout your life, you must remain vigilant,” said Simone de Beauvoir back in 1974.
“And what is very worrying is that the detractors of women’s rights in 2025 have the same rhetoric as those 60 years ago,” said Achutegui.
Making abortion a constitutional right
In Luxembourg, Bill 8490 currently requires the full attention of Family Planning, as it concerns the amended law of 15 November 1978 on sexual information, the prevention of clandestine abortion and the regulation of termination of pregnancy. “In particular, there is the abolition of the reflection period imposed on women considering abortion, a request that came from Family Planning, and the ban on virginity certificates and hymenoplasties,” the organisation's president said.
“But we want to go further, one of our current battles is to enshrine the right to abortion in the constitution and increase the time limit for an abortion from 12 weeks of pregnancy today to 14 weeks.” A proposed amendment on the latter point has been tabled by LSAP MP . “France is an example on these issues, we should take inspiration from it,” said Achutegui.
This article in French.