As part of a response to a parliamentary question given on 31 May, finance minister Yuriko Backes (DP) noted that there were €3,511,409 of tax fines collected from individuals in 2023. Photo: Matic Zorman / Maison Moderne

As part of a response to a parliamentary question given on 31 May, finance minister Yuriko Backes (DP) noted that there were €3,511,409 of tax fines collected from individuals in 2023. Photo: Matic Zorman / Maison Moderne

Following a parliamentary question submitted by Sven Clement (Piratepartei) on 20 April, finance minister Yuriko Backes (DP) on 31 May provided details on the tax penalties imposed on individual taxpayers in Luxembourg in recent years.

In response to a asked by (Piratepartei) on the topic of tax returns and fines in April, finance minister (DP) responded last week that €3,511,409 of fines, or “astreinte,” have been imposed on individual taxpayers. Reasons include not submitting a tax return or not submitting requested documents.

In just a few years, this figure has risen from €2.2m (in 2018) to €3.5m (in 2023).

Backes, in her response, noted that “the mentioned figures cover several tax years, and are mostly made up of fines that have been imposed due to the failure to submit the tax return.”

Regarding the amount of surcharges, or “opschlag,” imposed by the tax authorities on individual taxpayers, this figure has dropped from €1,198,589 in 2018 to €138,353 in 2021, said the finance ministry.