The British Chamber bills the forum as “a week of thought-provoking online events” which opens this Thursday, 7 October with a talk by Grégory Jullien & Joao Alemeida of Deloitte Luxembourg on the Impact of ESG on Business Taxation. This lunchtime session will be introduced by British ambassador to Luxembourg Fleur Thomas, who has in everything to do with protecting the environment and increasing biodiversity. “Environmental taxation is an effective policy tool used by the EU and governments to gear behaviours (e.g. carbon taxation). This places climate response and the road to net-zero at the core of business strategy,” the BCC writes in a preview of the talk.
The following day, Friday 8 October, a panel titled Walking the Talk: Are financial services meeting their sustainability goals?, moderated by Delano’s senior financial journalist Aaron Grunwald, will discuss how companies are driving the ESG and sustainable policy and strategy changes that are required both internally and for clients.
Ten Commandments for Sustainable Strategy
On Monday 11 October Luc Frieden, Chairman of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, will be in a one-to-one discussion with Delano magazine’s editor-in-chief Natalie Gerhardstein to talk about the Chamber’s recently published Ten Commandments for Sustainable Strategy and the contribution the Luxembourg business community is making in support of sustainability.
The final online session is a panel talk coordinated by the British Chamber’s legal group that will take an in-depth look--from different angles and citing a wide range of operational insights--into the practical implementation of ESG key principles in daily business activities.
The Leadership Forum culminates on 13 October with an in-person event at the Chamber of Commerce with a panel discussion led by Lene Pedersen, chair of the BCC P&L group and a consultant with MindForest, and Jill Saville, a former chair and leadership coach. The panel features a wide-range of experts from finance, institutions and the fashion industry who will explore the challenges of meeting the Paris Agreement criteria on carbon emissions from the perspectives of people, profit and planet. The talk will be followed by networking with drinks and canapes.
The entire event is free of charge for all participants. More information and registration for the four online sessions is available on the British Chamber of Commerce website. is required for the debate and cocktail on 13 October.