The Anne Beffort international school on 20 July received its initial accreditation agreement. Photo:

The Anne Beffort international school on 20 July received its initial accreditation agreement. Photo:

One academic year after its opening, the Anne Beffort international school in Mersch (EIMAB) on 20 July saw its initial accreditation agreement signed.

Education minister (DP) and the secretary general for European schools, Andreas Beckmann, co-signed the agreement, renewing at the same time the accreditation for the international schools in Differdange and Esch.

Schools can receive an accreditation if they propose a curriculum that on one hand features the same content as other international schools, and on the other hand offers students a chance to prepare for the European baccalaureate.

EIMAB is the fifth European public school in Luxembourg. , the grand duchy’s parliament signed off on a sixth school--the Gaston Thorn international school--which is set to open its doors in September 2022. This opening ensures that demands in all regions of the country are covered, an important fact for Meisch.

“Together with the ‘traditional’ Luxembourg public schools, which also adapt to the heterogeneity of the school population, Luxembourg offers fair opportunities for success to our children and young people. Regardless of their mother tongue, social and cultural background,” the education minister reminded during the event.

Currently, 4,672 students benefit from the international context and education of public European schools in Luxembourg. The Gaston Thorn school should welcome an additional 300 students.