Ukrainian refugees don’t have to worry about their administrative status in Luxembourg for now.  Luc Deflorenne

Ukrainian refugees don’t have to worry about their administrative status in Luxembourg for now.  Luc Deflorenne

Considering the outpour of initiatives and support to Ukrainian refugees, the foreign affairs ministry has issued some guidelines on hosting victims of the conflict in Ukraine.

What Luxembourg hosts and volunteers should do:

Many private initiatives were organised in Luxembourg to bring Ukrainian citizens away from the conflict. CEO Julien Doussot, for instance, mobilised his network to retrieve

The foreign affairs ministry in an official statement outlined some procedures to follow, stating that all Luxembourg residents who have volunteered to open their homes to refugees should contact the hotline managed by the Red Cross and Caritas or to contact them by e-mail.

Tel. 00352 621 796 780


Citizens planning on organising transportation for refugees at the Ukrainian border should contact the government at the following address to notify them regarding their trip's details.


The state recommends hosts to gather all the information they can to make sure the hosting process can go as smoothly as possible. “As reception, accommodation and medical measures must be provided to accommodate these people who in many cases are traumatised,” volunteers should be as prepared as possible.

Many refugee children will have been on the road without accompaniment or official documents, the ministry informs, adding that volunteers who transport them should make sure their well-being and rights are protected on the way.

What refugees should do upon arriving:

First, people from Ukraine who have reached the grand duchy should inform the authorities by e-mail, and will be asked to fill in a form. This information will be used to help Luxembourg authorities contact them for a temporary protection request or other ways of regulating their stay in the country.


The temporary protection directive, about to be voted in the EU commission, will grant those displaced by the war a residence permit, as well as access to education and the labour market. Luxembourg will install the right too for those who have arrived in the country or will in the future.

Should a refugee not have access to accommodation, they can visit the emergency drop-in centre put in place by the government. The SHUK (Structure d’hébergement d’urgence au Kirchberg) shelter will provide food and essential goods for a few days for people seeking protection in Luxembourg as well as those only passing through Luxembourg to reach another country. Due to sanitary restrictions, pets are not allowed in the shelter.

Address: SHUK, 11 rue Carlo Hemmer, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

At present, Ukrainian nationals do not need to worry about their administrative status while living in Luxembourg. 

Public transportation--buses, trains and trams--is free for all travellers on the Luxembourg territories.

Other useful addresses:

Médecins du Monde, for medical appointments: Tel. 00352 28 89 23 71, 5, rue d’Audun, Esch/Alzette

LUkraine Ukraine Luxembourg community, to donate, host or volunteer:

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