Béatrix Charlier: "A good manager can be recognised by his ability to delegate. (Photo: Jan Hanrion/archives Maison Moderne)

Béatrix Charlier: "A good manager can be recognised by his ability to delegate. (Photo: Jan Hanrion/archives Maison Moderne)

In the continuity of the new Club event series "Advanced training: boosting your middle management" organised by the Paperjam + Delano Club (from 31 March to 1 December 2021), Béatrix Charlier (P'OP Consulting) gives us her vision of the interest of this new series.

"According to the latest P'OP surveys, one manager in two does not feel legitimate in his role. One of the reasons is that this position is often the result of a promotion. Therefore, following a certification course allows one to feel credible and legitimate. The certification will allow managers to feel confident and to generate trust within their teams.

"A good manager is recognised by his or her ability to delegate.

Delegation is a tool for motivation and development of skills, because it tends to strengthen the responsibility of employees and, by the same token, their autonomy. In other words, delegation is a real performance lever, provided it is properly implemented.

According to the results of the surveys that P'OP has conducted in recent years, the role of the manager is at the crossroads of expectations. He or she often crystallises frustrations. He or she has to take on all the roles. But not all roles can be played by one person.

The solution must be found through managerial delegation. But delegating is complicated!

- To whom should I delegate?

- What actions should be delegated?

- How to accompany the delegation?

These are the three questions we will answer during this training session.

If delegating is the key, it remains to build the modus operandi.