The ING Night Marathon is back this year, and brings along traffic disturbances. Anthony Dehez//Maison Moderne archive

The ING Night Marathon is back this year, and brings along traffic disturbances. Anthony Dehez//Maison Moderne archive

After being postponed for two years due to the pandemic, the ING Night Marathon is back on Saturday 28 May. The event brings along some disturbances on the road and for public transport users.

Mobility will be impacted around the capital as roadblocks are put in place from 4pm on Saturday afternoon until around 1am on Sunday.

Bus services between the city centre and the central station will be suspended from 7pm and replaced by the tram. The latter will function normally except between 7.20pm and 9.15pm when it won’t circulate between the Faïencerie and Theater stops.

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As participants and spectators of the marathon will be moving around major mobility axes in town--such as Place de l’Etoile, Badanstalt, Monterey and the P+R Bouillon--both public transport users and drivers should check their itinerary online ahead of venturing into the city.

will also be available for anyone staying out late.

The full marathon will take up around 42km of Luxembourg’s streets in the evening.  Ville de Luxembourg

The full marathon will take up around 42km of Luxembourg’s streets in the evening.  Ville de Luxembourg