The new project in Kuebebierg mixes communities with nature.  Photo: Fonds Kirchberg

The new project in Kuebebierg mixes communities with nature.  Photo: Fonds Kirchberg

The project designed by architect Mathis Güller is set to offer around 3,127 affordable housing units within the next 15 years.

The area in Kirchberg should become a space where communities and nature come together. With two principal axes, a linear parc and the tram line coursing through it, Güller’s project aims to turn the urban space greener. A natural swimming pool and urban farm are also planned.

One of the other key elements of the project is that it redefines mobility. “The Kuebebierg will be a district structured by the presence of pedestrians. The car no longer shapes the city,” Güller explained in a press release. Instead a mobility hub will offer alternative mobility services such as car-sharing, bike parkings and workshops and a more fluid access to public transportation.

The Fonds Kirchberg will contribute to the completion of the neighbourhood with a donation of €77.7m. Marc Widong, head of the fund, said: “Thanks to the investments we are making, many people will be able to afford quality housing in a situation of scarcity where prices on the property market continue to soar.” A mix of affordable accommodations and units sold on the open market will be found in all blocks of the neighbourhood to create a more mixed community.

Presented in the presence of mobility and deputy prime minister François Bausch (Déi Gréng), the neighbourhood also aligns itself with national green targets. The project is built on three pillars, according to Widong: “to use energy efficiently, to produce a maximum of renewable energy on site, to store energy to cover a maximum of the needs on site.”

The grand duchy is facing a deeply rooted housing crisis, despite having enough buildable land.  

Key data of the Kuebebierg project: 

-       33 ha

-       Approx. 3,127 dwellings

-       Approx. 7,000 inhabitants

-       ratio parking/housing 0,5

-       Investment for infrastructure by the Fund: 77.7 million euros including tax