Since June 2022, Lex Delles has been president of the DP. Matic Zorman / Masion Moderne

Since June 2022, Lex Delles has been president of the DP. Matic Zorman / Masion Moderne

Throughout the summer, Delano has been interviewing people from Luxembourg political and public life about their first job and lessons learned. This week, tourism and small and medium-sized enterprises minister Lex Delles, looks back on his first work experience.

took the plunge into Luxembourg’s political life early on, becoming the alderman of the municipality of Mondorf in 2011 at the age of 27. In 2013, standing at his first national election, he was elected as a DP member of parliament. He also became the mayor of Mondorf. In the elections of October 2018, he obtained the second highest score in the eastern constituency and was selected by prime minister  to take charge of the tourism and small and medium-sized enterprises portfolios. Since June 2022, he has also been president of the DP.

What was your first job and how long did you do this job for?

I started my professional life as a teacher in the primary school of Mondorf. I worked there for four years before being elected to the chamber of deputies and becoming mayor of Mondorf.

What’s your best and worst memory?

Teaching is an exciting profession. So it is not surprising that I have mostly positive memories of my first job. Supporting children in their development and passing on values has always been important to me. Moreover, in this job, every day is different. If I had to mention one negative thing, it would be that the intensity of the teaching job is often underestimated. Pupils need teachers who listen to them and who are dedicated to developing the potential of each child. It is a challenge that is certainly not easy, but very fascinating.

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What did you learn that helped your career further along the way?

It is a vocation to be a teacher and to be a politician. Both professions imply a considerable personal commitment as well as an open-mindedness. It is essential to listen to the students and the citizens. As a teacher, I have therefore learned to pay particular attention to the individual needs of others in order to be able to provide appropriate support.

What did you spend your first salary on?

With my first salary, I took my mother and grandfather for a dinner at a restaurant.

Why did you quit?                      

I resigned because I was elected to the chamber of deputies and became mayor of Mondorf.